Do you need help completing your Self Assessment Tax Return?

Are you one of many Self Employed running your own business? or A Sub-Contractor working within the Construction Industry with CIS Statements? or maybe you have income from multiple sources, share dividends or rental income and are required to complete a Self Assessment Return.

The WagesbyNet Self Assessment Tax Return Service has 3 Levels

Our Basic package of receiving your Total Income & Expenditure figures.

The Standard Package where your Sales & Purchases are listed but not grouped or totalled.

Our Full Package where you have all your paperwork but nothing has been computerised.

Basic Tax Return Submission £250+VAT

  • You provide us with a single figure for your Total Sales/Income.
  • You provide us with a single figure for your Total Purchases/Expenses.
  • We then complete a draft of your Tax Return using HM Revenue & Customs Online Agent Portal.
  • Once the draft is complete you are sent an email with the following files attached.
  • Tax Calculation – Summary.
  • Tax Calculation – Detailed.
  • A Copy of the Tax Return.
  • Tax Paid on Account.
  • You are requested to review the all of the attachments.
  • Then confirm by return email that you are happy for us to submit the information to HMRC.
  • Once we have received your confirmation we submit your Return to HMRC. and email you a Submission Receipt
  • We then email you a copy of the HMRC Submission Receipt for your Tax return

Standard Tax Return Submission £300+VAT

  • You provide us with an Excel spreadsheet or Accounts Software backup with your Sales/Income.
  • You provide us with an Excel spreadsheet or Accounts Software backup with your Purchases/Expenses.
  • We then complete a draft of your Tax Return using HM Revenue & Customs Online Agent Portal.
  • Once the draft is complete you are sent an email with the following files attached.
  • Tax Calculation – Summary.
  • Tax Calculation – Detailed.
  • A Copy of the Tax Return.
  • Tax Paid on Account.
  • You are requested to review the all of the attachments.
  • Then confirm by return email that you are happy for us to submit the information to HMRC.
  • Once we have received your confirmation we submit your Return to HMRC. and email you a Submission Receipt
  • We then email you a copy of the HMRC Submission Receipt for your Tax return

Full Tax Return Submission £400+VAT*

  • You provide us with all paperwork, invoices and receipts for your Sales/Income & Purchases/Expenses.
  • We then enter the above information into an Excel Spreadsheet to calculate your Totals.
  • Next is to complete a draft of your Tax Return using HMRC Online Agent Portal.
  • Once the draft is complete you are sent an email with the following files attached.
  • Tax Calculation – Summary & Detailed.
  • A Copy of the Tax Return and the Tax Paid on Account.
  • You are requested to review the all of the attachments.
  • Then confirm by return email that you are happy for us to submit the information to HMRC.
  • Once we have received your confirmation we submit your Return to HMRC. and email you a Submission Receipt
  • We then email you a copy of the HMRC Submission Receipt for your Tax return
  • *The minimum fee for this Service Level is £400+VAT*.
  • *Any change to the above fee will be notified prior to work commencing and will be based on the amount of data we receive and what state it is in*.